ATHENA Leadership Award Recipients
ATHENA Nominees are individuals who: Live in our community, demonstrate excellence, creativity and initiative in their business or profession, provide valuable service by contributing time and energy to improve the quality of life for others in the community, actively assist women in realizing their full potential!
Board of Governors
With representation from all major industries in the area, the Board of Governors is an influential leadership group providing insight and direction for community prosperity in Weber County. This group includes representatives from our Cornerstone, Keystone, Gold, and Silver (less than 14 employees) Partners.
Executive Board
The governing and policy-making responsibilities of the Chamber rest with the Executive Board, which provides direction to Chamber operations and ensures fiscal stewardship. This group includes the Chamber President & CEO, four Executive Officers, eight Chamber Committee Chairs, five ex-officio members representing government and education organizations, and five at-large members.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee promotes the Chamber’s mission through member recruitment, retention and diversification. While participation on the Membership committee is by nomination, all Chamber members play a part in helping strengthen and increase a diverse membership of the Chamber.
State Officials - Weber County
The State of Utah is led by the governor and legislators. The Governor and Lt. Governor are elected for four-year terms with no limit. They support and oversee the welfare of the people in every county within the state. The Utah House of Representatives is comprised of 75 elected members who represent the interests of their specific districts within the State. Representative serve two-year terms without term limits. The Utah State Senate is comprised of 29 elected members representing an equal number of senate districts. Senators serve four-year terms without term limits and advocate for the needs and interests of approximately 95,000 constituents in the individual district they serve.
Utah Federal Officials
At the federal level, Weber county is represented by one elected House of Representative member (congresswoman/man) who is elected to a two-year term. Weber county is part of Utah’s First Congressional District, one of Utah’s four districts. The First Congressional District spans the northern most part of the state and includes the counties of Rich, Cache, Box Elder, Weber, Summit and a portion of Davis. Like every other state, Utah has two U.S. Senators who represent the entire state. Senators are elected to six-year terms.
Weber County Commissioners
The Weber County Commission consists of three members elected at-large from the County for four-year terms. The Weber County Commission form of government is unique in that the commissioners have both legislative and administrative responsibilities. Commissioners develop policies for the County, and then administer the functions impacted by those policies. Weber County Commissioners also lead the unincorporated areas within the county including Eden, Liberty, Nordic Valley, Reese, Taylor, Warren, and West Weber.
Weber County Mayors
Each city in Weber County is led by a Mayor-Council form of government. Weber County’s 15 mayors are elected leaders and play a vital role in shaping the direction of their community and shoulder the responsibility of representing the interests of the people they serve.