In honor of Weber Human Services Foundation’s 30th birthday, we are honored to support Tranquility Home, a residential treatment facility operated on the agency property. Our luncheon will be held at Weber Human Services, 237 26th Street, Ogden.
This facility accommodates up to 16 women who either volunteer or are mandated by a judge for treatment, providing them with the assistance they need while ensuring they don't lose custody of their children. To create an environment of self-improvement, a daycare service is available during the day, allowing the mothers to focus on their person growth.
Throughout their treatment, the women receive valuable instruction in essential life skills. They learn practical abilities such as cooking nutritious meals, caring for their children and adhering to a structured routine. These fundamental skills, often taken for granted, play a vital role in rehabilitating these women and guiding them toward a stable living situation, ultimately empowering them to secure employment, effectively balance their responsibilities as parents and regaining their independence.
As Women in Business, we are honored to help inspire and create opportunities for other women to become Women in Business. For this service project, we are seeking donations supporting the women at Tranquility Home that will foster confidence and self respect during job interviews. The most needed donation items are:
Beauty Purses Professional Clothing Lip Gloss/Lip Balm Mascara Nail polish Hair brush / comb Scented lotion Gift Cards (Ross, Marshalls) |
Snacks/Treats Granola/protein bars Trail mix Beef jerky PB crackers Instant oatmeal packs Gum / Mints Hard candy Chocolate |
Toiletries Wipes Tampons/pads Toothbrush/Toothpaste Dental Floss Shampoo/conditioner (small) Deodorant |
Lori Larsen, Tranquility Home Program Manager, will speak about the wonderful work and outcomes through this program.
Please note this luncheon will be held at Weber Human Services, 237 26th Street, Ogden.
In order to guarantee food count, registration will close July 11 at noon.
July nonprofit spotlight:
Date and Time
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM MDT
Weber Human Services
237 26th Street
Ogden 84401
Women in Business Non-Members: $35
Women in Business First-Time Guests: $25
Women in Business Members (current on $65 annual committee dues): $25
In order to guarantee food count, registration is required by July 11 at noon.
Contact Information
Lisa Laird
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